What Is FaultCodes.co?
We have collected up all of the error codes that you may see your automobile present to you through an OB2 reader and put them on this website.
By cross-referencing them here you can understand in plain-English what it is that your car is experiencing problems with.
You can save money by fixing the problem yourself before having to find a trained mechanic who may provide you with worthless fixes.
These fault codes are accompanied by a warning light on your dashboard, either lit up solid or flashing.
A flashing engine warning light is serious and requires you to pull the car over as soon as possible.
Start by selecting your make and model using the list below, the dropdown above or using the dedicated car search page.
If you already know the code you are looking for then you can enter into the fault code search page instead.
Most Popular Codes
The P0420 fault code is the most popular one we see people searching for on this website.
It signals that there is a problem in the catalytic converter and could be caused by one of several parts in that system.
Read More About P0420
Seeing the P0299 fault code appear on an OBD2 reader signals that the engine is experiencing a lack of air getting to the turbocharger.
A blockage or leak in the airway to the turbo could be the culprit - possibly caused by a dirty air filter or blocked EGR valve in a turbodiesel.
Read More About P0299