Dacia Fault Codes
On this page you can find the meaning of the fault code you may be seeing coming from your Dacia.
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Popular Dacia Fault Codes
These are the most popular Dacia fault codes that people are searching for.
Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem
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Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Temp Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature)
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Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Valve/Solenoid Circuit Malfunction
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Dacia is a Romania budget brand of automaker that is owned and operated by Renault.
You will find many of the same common error codes appearing between these 2 brands as the platforms are shared but with differing levels of features.
Common fault codes for Dacia models include the P1453 which signals that the sensor that measures the temperature of the exhaust gases is faulty. This could also represent faulty wiring or even broken connections. This P1453 code means different things across different manufacturers.
If you experience the P1310 fault code then your Dacia is probably trying to tell you that there is a problem in the 3rd igniter circuit. This system is responsible for igniting the fuel in the cylinders of the engine and is most probably actually an issue with either spark plugs or the circuits that connect them to the ECM (engine control module). As it is the 3rd circuit you know that the problem is centralized to just one cylinder, the third.
Finally, the P1095 error code in a Dacia is your engine trying to tell you that the sensor that measures the air/fuel mix is detecting a rapid switch between lean and rich. This could be as simple as a faulty sensor or even wiring but could be as serious as a component before that stage failing such as a pump or valve.
- Models: 5