Peugeot 807 Fault Codes
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Peugeot 807 Recalls
When a car manufacturer detects a problem with a model they put out a recall notice and more often than not offer to fix the problem free of charge.
You can check to see if your Peugeot 807 has any recall notices on our sister site, sorted by model year.
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Common 807 Fault Codes
These are the most common 807 fault codes that people are searching for.
Transmission Component Slipping/ Transmission Mechanical Transfer Case 4x4 Switch Circuit Failure
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Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem
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Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Temp Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature)
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- Manufacturer: Peugeot
About the 807
The 807 was first released as the successor to the 806, which represented the first generation of the Eurovans. These vans are a series of rebadged vans that have been sold under the Citroen, Fiat, Lancia, and Peugeot brands.
This series has been running since 1998, with the 807 being released in 2002. The model then stayed on the market for over a decade, eventually being discontinued in 2014.
Interestingly, the model’s main competition comes from its siblings. These consist of the Citroen C8, and Fiat Ulysse. A rival from outside manufacturers includes the Chrysler Voyager.
A number of owners have reported that P0026 is one of the most common fault codes for the model.
This code indicates that there is a problem with the intake valve control solenoid circuit. This means only a certain number of 807s can be susceptible to this code.
Despite this, owners of models that cannot have this problem have still reported that the code is somehow being logged. This means that the first step in fixing this code is checking with a Peugeot dealer if it is legitimate.
The Eurovan models, depending on their engine, have also been known to suffer from P0300, which is logged when random or multiple misfires have been detected.
Because this code means that more than one cylinder has misfired, the culprit is likely upstream of the combustion chambers. This means the fuel and air intake systems should be inspected. However, fixing this type of issue can be reportedly quite difficult.
The next most common code is P0245, which affects only diesel variants. This is is because this is a turbocharger code that indicates a malfunction with the wastegate solenoid.
Of course, this means that the first step in fixing this issue is checking the wastegate solenoid for issues.