Cadillac CTS Fault Codes
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Cadillac CTS Recalls
When a car manufacturer detects a problem with a model they put out a recall notice and more often than not offer to fix the problem free of charge.
You can check to see if your Cadillac CTS has any recall notices on our sister site, sorted by model year.
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Common CTS Fault Codes
These are the most common CTS fault codes that people are searching for.
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Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Temp Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature)
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Theft Deterrent Fuel Enable Signal Not Received/ B+ Supply To VCRM A/C Circuit Malfunction
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Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem
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- Manufacturer: Cadillac
About the CTS
The CTS was first released by the American luxury car maker in 2003. Since then, there have only been three generations hit the markets.
The model’s high-performance variant, the CTS-V, was renowned for being both one of the most powerful Cadillacs ever, as well as the fastest production sedan on the Nurburgring.
Competition for the model typically comes from the likes of its German counterparts. The most notable of these include the Audi A6 and BMW 5-Series. The Lexus GS is also a known rival for the CTS.
The most common code that has been reported over the last few years is P0128. This code indicates that the engine coolant is not reaching its operating temperature properly.
Typically, this is simply the result of a failing thermostat. In other cases, the coolant by-pass valve is the next most common cause.
Another issue that the model has faced is P0300, which is logged when multiple or random misfires have been detected from the engine. This is a serious code that owners need to address immediately.
Owners have reported that their CTS will log this code if they fill up with low-quality fuel. Another common cause is fouled spark plugs or ignition coil packs. Replacing these can be a fairly simple and easy fix. Other issues will typically lie upstream in the air or fuel systems.
Fault code P0017 is another code that CTS owners have had to deal with over the years. This code indicates that the signal from the exhaust camshaft position sensor in bank 1 of the engine does not correlate with the crankshaft position signal.
One of the most likely causes reported by owners is a stretched or worn timing chain. However, there have been other noted culprits. Faulty position sensors can also be the cause here.