P0507 Fault Code
You can find information about the P0507 fault code on this page.
It is one of the most popular fault codes that people search for on this website (in the top 50).
We have given it a seriousness of 3/10 with 1 being the least serious and 10 being the worst.
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Long Description
Fault code P0507 is logged when the engine control unit (ECU) detects that the vehicle is idling at a revolution per minute (RPM) that is higher than expected.
Every vehicle has an idle RPM that is set by the manufacturer. If the ECU detects that the car is idling higher than it should, it will trigger this fault code. These can typically be in the 600 and 800 RPM range.
Due to this, it is fairly easy to detect this fault as the vehicle will be idling above what it normally does.
Any vehicle is susceptible to this fairly harmless fault code, but some of the most reported manufacturers include Jeep, Nissan, Porsche, and Volkswagen.
Other Signs of This Problem
There are several indicators that can help determine that there is an issue. All of these can only be detected at idle though.
The most obvious is the presence of the Check Engine light – then when an OBD2 reader is plugged in it detects this P0507 fault code.
The engine will also be idling audibly higher than normal, which will also be indicated by the RPM dial. The idle may also be rougher than usual.
If the engine is not actually idling faster than normal, there may be an issue with a sensor or its corresponding electronics.
Other symptoms can include difficulty starting the vehicle, difficulty changing into first or reverse gear, and unexpected stalling.
What Could Be The Problem?
There are a large number of potential causes for an engine that is idling higher than normal.
Of these causes, intake and/or vacuum leaks are some of the most common. These can increase the speed at which the engine is cycling as the rate of combustion coincides with the airflow.
Similarly, the idle air controller (IAC) valve can be faulty. This can be indicated with fault codes P1508 or P1509. The IAC can also be clogged with carbon buildup, causing the same issue. This can also be called an idle speed control (ISC) valve.
The throttle body can also suffer from carbon buildup which can cause a change in the idle speed.
A less obvious cause could be a faulty power steering switch. In order to compensate for the failing power steering system, the ECU can change the idle speed to provide enough power.
The majority of the fixes for this issue are focused on the air intake system and the various components that are relative to idling.
The engine should be examined for leaks, particularly in the engine vacuum and the air intake manifold.
Components like the IAC or ISC valve should be examined. If it is determined that they are faulty or damaged, they should be replaced. Carbon buildup should be removed from all components, particularly the throttle body.
In some cases, the power steering switch should be checked. If it is faulty, it must be replaced.
The throttle cable should also be checked and adjusted for proper tension.
Fault code P0507 can be considered a relatively low fault code in terms of seriousness. There is no major risk of damage to the vehicle when running it in this condition.
It will come with increased fuel consumption and decreased driveability though. This means it is a good idea to have the problem resolved within a few weeks at the most.
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