P1095 Fault Code
You can find information about the P1095 fault code on this page.
BE WARNED! This particular code can mean a different thing depending on what make the car is, check below.
Manufacturer-Specific Meanings

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Detailed Manufacturer-Specific Explanations
For BMW, fault code P1095 is logged when the powertrain control module has detected an issue with the signal from the number 1 oxygen sensor in bank 1 of the engine. This sensor is located upstream of the catalytic converter.
This happens when the PCM detects that the signal from the O2 sensor is delayed.
Oxygen sensors are placed in the exhaust system to monitor the air-fuel ratio in the exhaust gases. This information is fed to the PCM so that it can make minor adjustments to the air-fuel mixture that is entering the combustion chambers.
This is done to increase performance and reduce emission levels.
By making these small adjustments, the air-fuel mixture continuously cycles between rich and lean conditions. This is done as the PCM reads information from various sensors like the mass air flow (MAF) sensor and determines the best way to optimize the engine’s operation.
Running rich and running lean are terms used to describe an air-fuel mixture that has too much fuel and too much air respectively.
This is a fairly minor code as it does not hugely affect the driveability of the vehicle. In some cases, decreased performance and fuel economy will be a result.
It is typically caused by a defective oxygen sensor. However, there may be other electrical issues present that can cause this code. These will typically include issues like damaged wires or loose connections. Anything that can cause an open or short circuit can also be the cause.
See generic codes: P015B
For Subaru, fault code P1095 is logged when the powertrain control module (PCM) has detected an issue with the tumble generator valve (TGV) circuit.
The TGV system is found almost exclusively in Subaru models. However, some other Japanese manufacturers have their own versions like the vortex generator valve or swirl control valve.
These systems are used to induce increased circulation in the air coming through the intake manifold. This is done to increase performance and efficiency.
Typically, the fuel system is the first to be modified to increase these properties, but these types of systems allow for increases to be made on the side of the air intake.
This is a fairly unique code because of how uncommon the technology is. This can mean there are not many similar fault codes available for more information.
The code itself indicates that there is an electrical issue within the TGV circuit.
One of the most common causes of this fault code is a faulty TGV sensor. Additionally, there can be other electrical issues like a short or open circuit to the sensor or valve. This can be caused by damaged wires or loose connections.
It is also possible that there is a mechanical issue like a defective TGV. This can be a result of the TGV valve being stuck open or closed.
See generic codes: There is no similar generic fault code for this issue as not all vehicles have these systems on board.
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