P0006 Fault Code
You can find information about the P0006 fault code on this page.
We have given it a seriousness of 9/10 with 1 being the least serious and 10 being the worst.
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Long Description
Fault code P0006 is logged when the engine’s primary computer, the powertrain control module (PCM) has detected an issue with the fuel shutoff valve A control circuit.
This occurs when the voltage signal from the circuit is lower than the allowable limit.
The fuel shutoff valve is an important component when it comes to the safe operation of the vehicle. Its main role is to close the fuel lines to the engine, preventing unwanted combustion in the event of an emergency situation like the engine overheating.
Proper operation of the fuel shutoff valve ensures the safety of the occupants of a vehicle, as well as the various components in the engine that could be damaged in the event of a fire or other issues.
Manufacturers like Volvo, Subaru, and Peugeot are some of the most commonly searched alongside this fault code.
Other Signs of This Problem
The various signs of this fault code can be relatively significant, depending on the case at hand.
The most obvious sign will be that the Check Engine light will be illuminated.
Additionally, the engine will likely suffer from reduced performance. This can also include decreased fuel consumption.
In the worst-case scenario, the vehicle may be unable to start at all.
Conversely, it is possible that the engine will not turn off even when the key is turned off.
There may be other similar fault codes logged as well. These can be codes like P0001, P0002, P0003, P0004, and P0005.
What Could Be The Problem?
The potential causes for this issue are likely found within the fuel shutoff valve circuit itself. This means it will probably be an electrical issue.
One of the most likely causes is the presence of faults in the circuitry. These can include damaged or frayed wires. Additionally, loose connections in the circuit can also cause this.
It is also possible that the fuel shutoff valve is defective or faulty.
In rare cases, the PCM itself may be the cause. This can be a result of outdated software or a malfunction. However, it is likely that there will be other fault codes logged in this case.
Again, the fixes for this issue will typically be electrical in nature as they are done to repair faults in the fuel shutoff valve circuit.
Any damaged or frayed wires in the wire harness need to be repaired. Loose connections should be fixed accordingly.
If the fuel shutoff valve is faulty, it should be replaced.
If it can be determined that the PCM is at fault, it should be fixed. This can be done with a software update in the case of outdated software or by replacing a defective PCM.
Again, the PCM will likely exhibit multiple other fault codes if it is the cause of the issue.
Fault code P0006 should be considered a serious issue. In the worst case, the vehicle will not be able to start at all or will not stop running despite the key being taken out of the ignition.
It is strongly recommended to have this issue be fixed immediately. This is also true because the fuel shutoff valve is a crucial safety component.

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