Saab Fault Codes
On this page you can find the meaning of the fault code you may be seeing coming from your Saab.
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Popular Saab Fault Codes
These are the most popular Saab fault codes that people are searching for.
Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem
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Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Temp Below Thermostat Regulating Temperature)
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Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Valve/Solenoid Circuit Malfunction
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Saab was a Swedish brand of automobile which was owned by Ford during its final few decades of existence. It is because of this that you may find many of the same fault codes appearing between the two brands.
During its 50 or so years of existence, the company was known for its reliable and safe models that pushed safety and technological innovations to the limit.
Unfortunately during that time, the company did build up a reputation for these common fault codes:
- P1110 – an issue with the system that allows pressure to escape from the turbocharger that isn’t being used. This could be a damaged sensor, a faulty solenoid or even a break in the pipes that carry the pressure around.
- P0340 – indicates a problem with the position of the camshaft and is most likely down to a faulty sensor. With this problem remaining the engine could damage itself as the timing could be out of sync with what should be happening and lead to the ignition timing being incorrect.
- P0300 – would suggest that the engine has a problem before the cylinders as a misfire has been detected but not localized in any particular cylinder. A quick fix on older models (more thank likely now that Saab isn’t producing cars anymore) would be to replace the coil packs across all cylinders to extend the life of the car and also diagnose if this is the problem.
- Models: 2