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P0325 Fault Code

You can find information about the P0325 fault code on this page.

It is one of the most popular fault codes that people search for on this website (in the top 50).

We have given it a seriousness of 3/10 with 1 being the least serious and 10 being the worst.

P0325 Short Description

"Knock Sensor 1 Circuit (Bank 2 or Single Sensor)"

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Description Icon Long Description

Fault code P0325 is logged when the powertrain control module (PCM) has detected a malfunction with knock sensor 1 in bank 1. This occurs when the sensor is not providing proper information to the PCM.

Knock sensors are installed in a vehicle to detect unwanted vibrations in the engine. These typically occur due to improper or incorrect combustion or other unbalancing forces.

This code specifically relates to a fault in the knock sensor circuit, rather than the actual presence of a knock in the engine.

Depending on the vehicle, there may be one or more knock sensors. In this instance, this fault code refers to the knock sensor found on the same side as cylinder 1. This applies only to V-shape engines.

According to reports, Honda and Acura are two manufacturers that have been shown to have this issue more commonly than others.

Warnings Icon Other Signs of This Problem

The presence of fault code P0325 may not be noticeable to the driver on symptoms alone. That is why it is important to look for other signs of the problem.

The most obvious sign is that the knock sensor will cause the Check Engine light to be illuminated.

The engine will also likely have slightly worse performance. This can include a slight lack of power, as well as marginally decreased fuel economy.

This can also come with increased emissions due to incomplete combustion. Check for codes that represent an engine running lean. These can be codes like P0171 and P0174.

Other knock sensor codes could also be logged, which range from P0324 up to P0334.

Broken Down Icon What Could Be The Problem?

There are several potential causes of P0325. These are all related to the electrical components found in the knock sensor circuit, rather than a knock itself being present.

With any sensor circuit malfunction, there can be an issue with a faulty sensor.

Additionally, the wiring and connections between the circuit and the sensor could be faulty or loose. There may also be an open or short circuit in play.

In rare cases, a faulty engine control unit (ECU) could be the problem. Outdated ECU software could also lead to this and other fault codes being logged.

Fixed Icon Fixes

All of the fixes for P0325 are related to the electrical circuit in which the malfunction is located.

Be sure to test the knock sensor. If it is indeed faulty, it should be replaced.

All wiring and connections should be checked for damage. If there is damage or the connections are loose, these must be fixed accordingly.

The circuit should be checked for open or short circuits. These need to be fixed to solve the fault code.

If none of these issues are present, the ECU should be checked for issues. Software updates could also fix the issue.

Danger Icon Seriousness

Fault code P0325 represents a low error in terms of seriousness. There are no concerning issues with the vehicle, especially as driveability will most likely be unchanged.

A faulty knock sensor can mean a real knock in the engine will be undetected, which can cause issues later on.

It should be fixed within a few weeks ideally.

P0325 Image

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