P0113 Fault Code
You can find information about the P0113 fault code on this page.
It is one of the most popular fault codes that people search for on this website (in the top 50).
We have given it a seriousness of 8/10 with 1 being the least serious and 10 being the worst.
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Long Description
Fault code P0113 is logged when the engine control module (ECM) has detected an input outside of the allowable range from the air intake sensor. This relates to the input voltage, rather than the intake temperature.
This is a result of the IAT sensor displaying a voltage greater than 4.91 V for a duration of 0.5 seconds or more. If the sensor detects a voltage below another set of requirements, fault code P0112 is logged.
Other issues with the IAT sensor can also result in fault codes P0110, P0112, and P0114.
A properly functioning IAT provides valuable information to the ECM regarding the incoming air temperature. This allows the ECM to adjust the air-fuel mixture accordingly to allow for optimal efficiency and operation.
According to various searches, Ford and Subaru are particularly at risk of this issue.
Other Signs of This Problem
Because an issue with the IAT can send incorrect information to the ECM, there are several symptoms that can help diagnose the issue. Most of these involve the engine running incorrectly.
The Check Engine light will most likely display and the vehicle may enter a failsafe mode. The failsafe mode is dependent on the vehicle and manufacturer in question, so be sure to look in your owner’s manual for more information on that if your vehicle is behaving unusually.
One of the earliest signs is the vehicle struggling to start or starting in an atypical way – followed by this P0113 fault code on an OBD2 reader.
Another sign could be that the engine is running particularly lean. This means there is either too much air or too little fuel present in the combustion chamber at a given time. This can also come with fault code P0171 or P0173 depending on which bank of the engine is at fault.
Spark plugs may also become covered in carbon due to largely mismatched air-fuel ratios. This will result in a no-start, particularly on a cold morning in otherwise warm weather.
What Could Be The Problem?
The majority of the causes for this error are those commonly found in electronic circuits. These encompass all parts like the circuitry, wiring, and electrical components like sensors.
The most obvious cause of P0113 would be an issue with the bank 1 IAT sensor itself. If the sensor or its connections are faulty, they can provide inaccurate readings.
Damaged wiring can also cause this malfunction.
If the electrical components are not at fault, it could be an issue with the PCM or its software.
Ensure the IAT sensor is operating correctly. If there is an issue with the sensor specifically, replace the component.
Check that there are no damaged wires or connections between the IAT sensor and its circuit. Also, ensure that there is no dirt or rust that could cause these issues. These connections must also be attached securely.
If the IAT sensor is linked to the mass airflow (MAF) sensor, there could be an issue with the MAF sensor or its wiring that could cause this reading.
Fault code P0113 can be considered moderately dangerous. Extended operation of the vehicle can cause damage to the engine.
Additionally, the vehicle may be limited to a failsafe mode wherein full operation is not possible. This issue should be addressed relatively quickly to avoid unnecessarily larger repair costs.
Another factor that increases the severity of this issue is the potential for a no-start on an unexpectedly cold morning.
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