P2122 Fault Code
You can find information about the P2122 fault code on this page.
We have given it a seriousness of 7/10 with 1 being the least serious and 10 being the worst.
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Long Description
Fault code P2122 is logged when the powertrain control module (PCM) has detected an issue with the throttle position sensor (TPS). This happens when there is a low voltage detected in the TPS circuit.
The TPS is used to monitor the position of the throttle body. This information is relayed to the PCM so that the module can control it in response to the driver’s input on the throttle pedal.
This is vital in allowing the throttle system to increase or decrease the speed of the engine according to the driver’s requests.
A fault with the TPS can mean the throttle behaves poorly as the PCM is unable to accurately determine how much fuel should be released into the combustion chamber.
Hyundai and Kia are some of the most commonly searched manufacturers alongside this fault code.
Other Signs of This Problem
Because of the importance of the TPS, faults with its circuit can cause a number of significant driveability issues.
The most obvious sign will be the presence of the Check Engine light on the dashboard.
The vehicle will also typically suffer from driveability issues. These can include reduced power, stalling, and no-starts.
In more severe cases, the engine may also suffer from misfires.
Black smoke being emitted from the exhaust system can also be a result of this problem. This can be a result of the engine running rich and unburnt fuel leaving the exhaust.
Be sure to look out for additional fault codes that can be logged as a result of P2122. These can be codes like P0122, P0172, and P0300.
What Could Be The Problem?
Because the code indicates that there is a low voltage detected in the circuit for the TPS, it is very likely that there is an electrical fault in the relevant circuit.
There can be electrical issues in the TPS circuit that have caused this low voltage condition. These can include damaged wires or loose connections.
A faulty TPS can also have the same effect. Similarly, a faulty throttle actuator control motor, throttle position actuator, and throttle pedal position sensor can have this effect.
Fixing this issue will require fairly extensive electrical skills due to the presence of a low voltage in the circuit.
Loose connections or damaged wires need to be fixed. Special attention should be given to the TPS sensor circuit.
Issues with the ground wire should also be checked for faults. In some cases, this can be fixed by repositioning the ground wire.
Faulty parts need to be replaced. The TPS is one of the most common parts that require replacemnet. The throttle actuator control motor, throttle position actuator, and throttle pedal position sensor should be checked as well.
Fault code P2122 should be considered a moderately serious issue. The symptoms of this issue can have negative effects on the driveability of the vehicle in varying degrees.
In the case of a no-start condition present, it is a good idea to have this issue fixed immediately.
If the vehicle is still driveable, it is recommended to have this problem fixed as soon as possible rather.
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